Author = Ali Zaree
Explain and validate the pattern of the effectiveness of old sports management in selected metropolises The country is mixed with a research approach

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 30 November 2021


Mohamad Hossein Hosseini; Ali Mohammad Amirtash; Mohammad Pour Kiani; Ali Mohammad Safania; Ali Zarei

Student sports futures research with a structural analysis approach

Volume 13, Issue 25, September 2023, Pages 1-20


Taleat Salehi; Ali Zarei; Farideh Ashraf Ganjouei

A Grounded Theoretical Analysis of Organizational Resilience in Iranian Sports Organizations

Volume 12, Issue 23, December 2022, Pages 19-33


zohreh karimi; Alimohammad Safania; Ali Zarei; Hossein PourSoltani Zarandi; Reza Nikbakhsh

The analysis of effective factors on the development of insurance in local sports of Iran: based on data foundation theory

Volume 12, Issue 23, December 2022, Pages 49-63


reza Ariyayar; Sajjadi hazave Seyed Hamid; Farideh Ashraf Ganjooei; Ali Zarei

The Performance evaluation framework for Iranian professional football league organization: with Grounded Theory Approach

Volume 11, Issue 21, July 2021, Pages 17-33


ali asghar khalili; Ali Mohammad Safania; Ali Zarei; HASSAN MASOUMI