Selection of players based on objective criteria with the approach of expert evaluation algorithms and ARAS multi-criteria decision making method (Case Study: University basketball team Shahrood)

Document Type : Research Paper


Dean of Industrial Engineering and Management Faculty of Shahrood university


However, there is no objective way allowing to evaluate the factors that may affect the performance of players, the application of subjective methods based on objective indicators cacould be considered as an absolutely effective instrument. In this study we suggested a two - stage model, first, using the algorithm of expert’s evaluation, we determined the performance indicators and the weight (importance degree) of each indicator, and then, using Additive Ratio Assessment method (ARAS), we performed player ranking process. 21 performance indicators that measure Body Size and Composition, Speed and Quickness, power, and aerobic Endurance was chosen. The proposed model was conducted for the evaluation of 16 volunteers of Shahrood university's basketball team.


Main Subjects

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