The survey about the sports and physical education publishing on basis of customer needs in Tehran Book Exhibition (2011)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistance Payame Noor University

2 Assistance Professor Allame Tabatabaee University

3 Student M.A Sport Managment Tarbiat Modarres University


The purpose of this study was a survey on the sports and physical education publishing on the basis of customer needs in Tehran Book Exhibition (2011). The methodology was descriptive and a survey with filed study for data gathering. The population were sports and physical education customers in Iran and the sample 384 inches customers in Tehran Book Exhibition at 1390 by random selection. The instrument was researcher-made questionnaire whose credit and reliability has been approved (%85).
The results showed that there were no difference between opinions of physical educators and non physical educators customers about: qualities, design and price of sports books. But they had difference about brand popularity of publishers and scientific position of writers (pCustomers believed that the characteristics of existence book wasn’t desirable and publishers must give more attention to the quality of their books. They have demanded experts to write the books and the books should be published by high grade publishers. They wanted the proper price for book on the basis of content of the book and their potential. Also, the sport publishers must have better advertisments and information about their products.
Thus, Minisitry of Islamic guidance and culture or universities (Departments of physical education) will play some workshops about sport marketing and sport communication for sport publishers. This will direct them to publish on the basis of customer needs.
