Reviewing and optimizing the performance evaluation indicators of athletic Boards of hamedan province

Document Type : Research Paper



The main objective of this study is review and optimize the performance evaluation indicators of athletic Board of hamedan province. Methodology of the present study  is descriptive - survey was conducted using the Delphi technique. The statistical population included all staffs and board sports of youth & sports department of the hamedan province. The statistical simple included 148 participants were selected through Targeted convenient. Data collection instrument included Researcher made questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions. Questionnaire validity was confirmed by experts, and its reliability was obtained in a study guide,(α =0/88). For data analysis, in addition to descriptive statistics central and dispersion indexes also the inferential statistics tests such as Friedman two-way variance have been used. from Existing indicators, 30 indicators review and 2 indicators remained unchanged. And finally, the performance indicators were categorized in 9 collection and 66 indicators. And for performance Evaluation of the Board of sport the  hamedan province , different grouping It was suggested.
