Analysis of effective factors on adaptation to sports retirement (Case study of Iranian national team champions)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Sports Management of Alborz Campus, University of Tehran

2 Professor / University of Tehran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

4 Professor of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



Athletes experience a wide range of psychological, social, financial, and occupational changes when they face the end of their career The extent of these changes and athletes' perceptions of these changes determine the quality of their adjustment as part of their retirement.The analysis of the factors affecting the compatibility with the sports retirement of the champions of the Iranian national teams has been done with an exploratory-fundamental nature.The research method was qualitative which based on data theory has been designed to design a paradigm model.The instrument used was a semi-structured interview that was used from the perspective of 13 experts and sports experts in the country.The method was snowball sampling.The output of the research was a paradigmatic model of analyzing the factors affecting the adaptation to sports retirement of the champions of Iranian national teams, which consists of causal conditions, central categories, intervening conditions, strategies and outcomes. Thus,127open codes and 38axial codes were identified: 6 causal factors codes,7 underlying factors codes7intervention factors codes,12 strategic codes and 6 consequential codes.The results of this study show that the Ministry of Sports and Youth and the National Olympic Committee, as the custodian of sports in the country and the main supporter of athletes, in accordance with government policies, make special arrangements for the growth and excellence of retirees, increasing social welfare andThe provision of desirable medical services to these loved ones should be considered.Recognizing the effective areas related tochampionship sports, a comprehensive model can be provided to improve the status of sports retirees.


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