Investigating the Effect of Potential Absorptive Capacity, Realised Absorptive Capacity and Knowledge Sharing on Employees Innovative Behavior in Ministry of Sports and Youth of Iran.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of absorptive capacity and knowledge sharing on employees innovative behavior in ministry of sports and youth of iran. The research method was descriptive survey and it is one type of apply research. The statistical population included all employees of the ministry of sport and youth that their number was 400 people through proportional stratified random sampling, and 230 people were selected as statistical sample. And the class-experts (formal and contractual) - and managers (department managers, deputies, and group presidents). In order to determine the face and content validity of the questionnaires, the professors and experts in the field of management were used. For data collection we used to three questionnaires of absorptive capacity Zahra and George (2002); Jansen, Van Den Bosch, and Volberda (2005), knowledge sharing de Vries, Van den Hooff, and de Ridder (2006), and innovative behaviour Scott and Bruce (1994). For data analyze, we used to structural equation modeling (SEM) and path analysis by the Amos software version 24. The results of the research showed that there is a direct (positive and significant) relationship between the absorption capacity and knowledge sharing with the innovative behavior. Therefore, it can be concluded that sports organizations, as much as attracting knowledge and exploiting it, and improving knowledge sharing, promote the innovative behavior of employees is. Managers should provide the field for attracting external knowledge and sharing knowledge among employees, it promotes the innovative behavior of staff and improves the performance of sports organizations.
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jamshidi, E. , sayed ameri, M. H. and Abbasi, H. (2023). Investigating the Effect of Potential Absorptive Capacity, Realised Absorptive Capacity and Knowledge Sharing on Employees Innovative Behavior in Ministry of Sports and Youth of Iran.. Contemporary Studies On Sport Management, 12(24), 77-90. doi: 10.22084/smms.2019.17623.2269
jamshidi, E. , , sayed ameri, M. H. , and Abbasi, H. . "Investigating the Effect of Potential Absorptive Capacity, Realised Absorptive Capacity and Knowledge Sharing on Employees Innovative Behavior in Ministry of Sports and Youth of Iran.", Contemporary Studies On Sport Management, 12, 24, 2023, 77-90. doi: 10.22084/smms.2019.17623.2269
jamshidi, E., sayed ameri, M. H., Abbasi, H. (2023). 'Investigating the Effect of Potential Absorptive Capacity, Realised Absorptive Capacity and Knowledge Sharing on Employees Innovative Behavior in Ministry of Sports and Youth of Iran.', Contemporary Studies On Sport Management, 12(24), pp. 77-90. doi: 10.22084/smms.2019.17623.2269
E. jamshidi , M. H. sayed ameri and H. Abbasi, "Investigating the Effect of Potential Absorptive Capacity, Realised Absorptive Capacity and Knowledge Sharing on Employees Innovative Behavior in Ministry of Sports and Youth of Iran.," Contemporary Studies On Sport Management, 12 24 (2023): 77-90, doi: 10.22084/smms.2019.17623.2269
jamshidi, E., sayed ameri, M. H., Abbasi, H. Investigating the Effect of Potential Absorptive Capacity, Realised Absorptive Capacity and Knowledge Sharing on Employees Innovative Behavior in Ministry of Sports and Youth of Iran.. Contemporary Studies On Sport Management, 2023; 12(24): 77-90. doi: 10.22084/smms.2019.17623.2269