News streaming in sport is one of the main axes of news activity in social media, which despite the great impact of economic, social and sports dimensions in the scientific community of the country has not been considered. This study is an applied research and in terms of purpose is descriptive survey. The statistical population of this research includes theoretical experts (professors of sports management) and experimental (managers of the physical education organization). Sampling was performed using non-probability method and purposeful and finally 16 people participated in this study. grounded theory was used to analyze interviews. Research data were analyzed using MaxQDA20 software. According to the paradigm model of research, content preparation and sharing is an underlying factor in sports management and sports branding on social media. In this regard, it is necessary to implement and monitor the strategic document of social media marketing with a focus on sports marketing goals. In implementing this strategic document, the power of sports clubs to bring about change must be taken into account, as large clubs can act as a barrier or facilitator to achieve strategic goals. On the other hand, the culture and media literacy of the fans should be taken into account in drafting the strategic document. In this way, it is expected that in the shadow of the implementation of the adopted strategy, it will be possible to streamline social media in sports.
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HAJI ANZEHAEI, E. , keshkar, S. , kargar, G. A. and shahlaee bagheri, J. (2023). Designing a model for streamlining social media in sport with grounded theory approach. Contemporary Studies On Sport Management, 12(24), 49-64. doi: 10.22084/smms.2023.25466.2985
HAJI ANZEHAEI, E. , , keshkar, S. , , kargar, G. A. , and shahlaee bagheri, J. . "Designing a model for streamlining social media in sport with grounded theory approach", Contemporary Studies On Sport Management, 12, 24, 2023, 49-64. doi: 10.22084/smms.2023.25466.2985
HAJI ANZEHAEI, E., keshkar, S., kargar, G. A., shahlaee bagheri, J. (2023). 'Designing a model for streamlining social media in sport with grounded theory approach', Contemporary Studies On Sport Management, 12(24), pp. 49-64. doi: 10.22084/smms.2023.25466.2985
E. HAJI ANZEHAEI , S. keshkar , G. A. kargar and J. shahlaee bagheri, "Designing a model for streamlining social media in sport with grounded theory approach," Contemporary Studies On Sport Management, 12 24 (2023): 49-64, doi: 10.22084/smms.2023.25466.2985
HAJI ANZEHAEI, E., keshkar, S., kargar, G. A., shahlaee bagheri, J. Designing a model for streamlining social media in sport with grounded theory approach. Contemporary Studies On Sport Management, 2023; 12(24): 49-64. doi: 10.22084/smms.2023.25466.2985