Prevalance of Postural Deformity of Vertebral Cloumn in Major Thalassemic Patients

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study wasprevalence of  postural deformity of vertebral  fcolumn  in major thalassemic patients. Target population included of 87 male major thalassemic patients. sampels age mean was 21/87± 12/83years, weight main was 59/72±9/82, k.g and height main was 168/42±8/72cm. forward head ,inclined neck , degree of scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis measured by New York test, and flexibility ruler.The obtained data were analyzed  by Descriptive static.
results of this study indicated that some vertebral column abnormality is perevalent in thalassemic patients. in this field maximal abnormality in cervical vertabra was forward head(48/3)percente was the highest abnormality.and maximal abnormality in turasic and lumbar vertebra was lordosis(39/08)percente.
The results showed that thalassemic major patients vertebra column deformity is perevalen.because of this deformities some patients may suffer some pain in their back. Perhaps combination of several factors such as weakness of muscels and ligaments in this patients resulted in vertebral deformitiesTherefore it is nessessary encourege such patients to espcial  exersice training  and Principles of Ergonomy also therapeutist can designe corrective exersice in order for prevanting and treating of spineal abnormalies.
