Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer. Iran
Professor, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran.
The purpose of this study was to analysis of factors affecting competitive advantage in the Ministry of Sports and Youth. The research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in nature using structural equation modeling, which was conducted as a survey. The statistical population of this study consisted of all employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth (N = 965). 286 employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth using the available sampling method of Denison (2000) Organizational Culture Scales, Nahapit and Goshal Social Capital (1999), Hemmati Knowledge Management (2010), Organizational Learning by Gomez et al. (2005), Innovation Completed by James et al. (2008) and the competitive advantage of Hill and Jones (2010). SPSS 19 and PLS 3 software were used to analyze the data. Findings showed that organizational culture and social capital have a positive and significant effect on knowledge management. Knowledge management also influenced organizational innovation and organizational learning. Also, the variables of organizational innovation and organizational learning have a positive and significant effect on gaining a competitive advantage. The proposed research model also had a good fit (GOF = 0.56) in the target population. The overall results of the study showed that knowledge management, organizational culture, social capital, organizational learning and organizational innovation have a positive effect on achieving competitive advantage by the Ministry of Sports and Youth, so managers should pay special attention to these variables to effectively Achieve a competitive advantage over other organizations.
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Mohammadi Pakravan, P. , Soleymani, M. and Shabani Bahar, G. (2023). Factors affecting competitive advantage in the Ministry of Sports and Youth. Contemporary Studies On Sport Management, 13(25), 131-143. doi: 10.22084/smms.2021.24360.2874
Mohammadi Pakravan, P. , , Soleymani, M. , and Shabani Bahar, G. . "Factors affecting competitive advantage in the Ministry of Sports and Youth", Contemporary Studies On Sport Management, 13, 25, 2023, 131-143. doi: 10.22084/smms.2021.24360.2874
Mohammadi Pakravan, P., Soleymani, M., Shabani Bahar, G. (2023). 'Factors affecting competitive advantage in the Ministry of Sports and Youth', Contemporary Studies On Sport Management, 13(25), pp. 131-143. doi: 10.22084/smms.2021.24360.2874
P. Mohammadi Pakravan , M. Soleymani and G. Shabani Bahar, "Factors affecting competitive advantage in the Ministry of Sports and Youth," Contemporary Studies On Sport Management, 13 25 (2023): 131-143, doi: 10.22084/smms.2021.24360.2874
Mohammadi Pakravan, P., Soleymani, M., Shabani Bahar, G. Factors affecting competitive advantage in the Ministry of Sports and Youth. Contemporary Studies On Sport Management, 2023; 13(25): 131-143. doi: 10.22084/smms.2021.24360.2874