Thematic analysis of water sports development indicators in attracting sports tourism (Case study: Zaribar border lake)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty / University of Kurdistan

2 Dept. of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Kurdistan University

3 Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Kurdistan University



Today, tourism industry is considered as a crucial element of development. In line with the importance of tourism development, other aspects of tourism such as sport tourism are in focal points. This study was aimed to recognize the indicators of tourism development of Zaribar Lake in Mariwan. The research method is a qualitative with thematic approach. The participants include; Experts of Sports and Youth Office, Sport Boards, Environmental Experts, Sport Coaches, and employers of Tourism Agencies in Mariwan. A purposeful judgmental sampling was utilized to interview the participants (N=15). Data collection tool was the open interview with the participants.To ensure reliability and validity of research findings, the results were investigated. Therefore, some concepts and answers were returned to them to be clarified. Furthermore, the encoding of the data was performed by an expert of Tourism Industry. In conclusion, this research highlights that there are six main factors of (Structural, Management, Economical, Cultural, Environmental, and Competitive) and 22 subcategories of these factors to promote the Sports Tourism in Zeribar Lake in Mariwan. This findings revealed that only a sole factor cannot lead to the development of the Sport Tourism. Therefore all above mentioned factors act as a system cycle attached together each one can pave the way for others.


Main Subjects