Sport Branding Model by Strategic Thinking approach in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Academic remember of Tabriz Universty


The essence of science is based on models that are inclusive, rather than fragmented data; because the data can explore, explain, or interpret in frame work. Thus, the lack of reliable models of branding in the sports industry has prompted researchers to try to develop branding model in the sports industry of Iran. The study aims to develop the branding model based on strategic thinking approach in the sports industry of Iran. This study is an exploratory that qualitative research method was used. For this purpose, the branding experts were answered through in-depth interviews. And snowball sampling was used to gather data-collection. By using grounded theory Data coded through three stages of coding and analysis. According the final frame work, 15 main categories at three levels; ethical, organizational and event extracted. This simple display-model of the sports industry's branding is to try to be the basic structure of the sports industry branding. According to finding, the present model can be identified and classified effective components of branding in the sports industry. Ultimately it can be used as basis of intellectual development of branding in the sports industry of Iran.


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