Keywords = Management
Explain and validate the pattern of the effectiveness of old sports management in selected metropolises The country is mixed with a research approach

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 30 November 2021


Mohamad Hossein Hosseini; Ali Mohammad Amirtash; Mohammad Pour Kiani; Ali Mohammad Safania; Ali Zarei

Challenges of women in the field of sports management in the country

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 17 September 2024


fariba mohamadian; zahra Nobakhat; jamal shayegan

Investigating the consequences of the outbreak of Covid-19 on the sports industry

Volume 12, Issue 24, May 2023, Pages 145-158


Mehdi Ahmadi; Akram Esfahaniniya; Mohammad Ali nodehi; Mojtaba Ahmadi